Unrecognized Credential Entry in "Windows PowerShell credential required" form


I opened a PowerShell session and typed in: $Credential = Get-Credential,

As I was about to enter my credentials, just out of curiosity I clicked on the down arrow in the User Name field and noticed an unrecognized entry.  The user name was " @@Stuff#-BTTB " where Stuff is a 22 character long alpha-numeric string; otherwise the same.

This user name doesn't appear in the Credential Manager.  OS is Windows 8.1.

Should I be worried?

What can I do to look into this further? 

Thanks in advance! 


Noticed the user name of a credential I had used recently didn't appear in the drop-down, so I was incorrect in thinking the list of user names reflected the history of user names used.  I am curious where these credentials (identifies(?)) are being pulled from though?

  • Edited by MSDN User 2 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 9:07 PM Amendment
April 28th, 2015 9:01pm

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